Time management, key to more productive and easier life
A lot of people think that time management is nonsense. But is it? Usually, you hear »Time cannot be organized, managed, it also can not be created nor can it be lost.« You have 24 hours in a day like anyone else, so how can someone be more productive than you?
In my opinion, time management is a subject we have to be taught in school. Today's society demands a good ability to organize time. Less stress, more time to do daily things, productivity are all benefits of time management.
I want to share with you some tips on how I prepare myself for a productive day. I would highly recommend you write down a to-do list which would help you get all the things done. There is a proverb in Slovenia that says »Smart people write it down.«, and it's 100% true. Throughout the day you receive pieces of information that just pile up and is very difficult to keep control of everything. Keeping a list of things you have to do is key for a successful day. By the way, the most satisfying is to tick something off the list you had to do, right. ;)
Once you have your to-do list ready is your job to prioritize activities. Because I am still in school and I usually have submission dates this step is not so hard, but for someone, this may be the problem. Sometimes we just have to know ourselves and our abilities. We also have to be able to say no to somethings as we just know that this is not possible at this time.
Some days you have more tasks to do than others. The most important thing is that you focus on one goal at a time. Being present while doing something will save you a lot of time.
And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to is not to accumulate yourself with too much of everything. Rest is also important for productivity. Take breaks in between for you and your body to rest. It is also important to change the environment a little. Go for a short or long walk, exercise, tidy up your apartment ....move your body.
I hope this will help you in advance to be even more productive and successful with time management.
Love, Maša